What's new and in-progress (February 7, 2019)

Component Status and Timelines

January Recap

In January, the following was completed for the Insights requirements and priorities:

  • 4 new components/demos were added to PF-React in January [1]
  • 8 new components/demos were added to PF-Core in January [2]
  • 10 enhancements to existing components/demos were added in PF-Core in January [3]
  • 3 visual designs established for components/demos in January [4]
  • Continuous accessibility reviews and improvements for both PF-Core and PF-React and more [5]

[1] 4 new components/demos were added to PF-React in January

[2] 8 new components/demos were added to PF-Core in January

[3] 10 enhancements to existing components/demos were added in PF-Core in January

[4] 3 visual designs established for components/demos in January

[5] Accessibility issues completed in January



17 Accessibility PR Reviews