PF4 Skeleton high CPU usage

Hi all,

As it is my first post I have to say thank you for your great work.
I discover PF not a long time ago and in my first project I wanted to use Skeleton component as placeholder for lazy loading. UI is great but I have to reverse to something more static as CPU usage is high for component that is just placeholder.
To replicate just open Skeleton sample page
as observe CPU usage. For just few components it is easy to notice that CPU usage jumps to almost 10% in my case.

Hey @phryniszak,

I can confirm that there’s about 10% CPU usage on that page. It’s due to the animations. You can set --pf-c-skeleton--after--AnimationIterationCount: 0; to disable them and then the CPU usage becomes 0.

Let me know if that works for you!

  • Zack

For fun I looked what profiller is showing in Chrome and I am surprised that animation is run on CPU not offloaded to GPU.
So I am using card with some css without skeleton.

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