Modal, SideBar, Page Header Z-Index Issue?

Hi I’m writing Blazor wrappers for patternfly components.

Here is the repository

But I’m running into an issue with Modal, SideBar, Page Header z-index.

There is no issue in the oficial demo website but is not working properly on my live demo

Can anyone help me to identify what I’m doing wrong?

To reproduce the issue just click the first Show Modal button.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Alex, I had a look at the demo page and it looks like you got it working by disabling the z-index on the .pf-c-page__main element. The modal component is intended to be rendered outside of the .pf-c-page element in the DOM. If you look at the modal demo, you’ll see that the modal is appended to the <body> element. Are you able to do that with your implementation of this component?