Bug in minified PatternFly CSS from v2.22.0 - v2.25.2

In v2.22.0, a bug was introduced into PatternFly core that broke the page component’s layout for users using patternfly.min.css in their project. The bug was due to a misconfigured grid layout resulting from the minifier’s attempt to shorten strings used as values for the page component’s grid properties. More details on the root cause can be found in patternfly/patternfly-next#2135.

This was fixed in patternfly/patternfly-next#2136, which was released in v2.25.3.

If you are using v2.22.0 - v2.25.2 and are unable to upgrade to v2.25.3+, we advise you use the non-minified version of PatternFly CSS (patternfly.css) as a temporary workaround until you are able to update to v2.25.3+.